@James Luterek
On our Project we are integrating with Crownpeak, but not directly, using a middleware created by the client.
With this integration we get 2 types of responses, html content for our React application and json response for our Native Apps (In the future we will use json also on the React application).
The main driver was that the client already had a this implemented on the previous version of their ecommerce platform.
Indeed there is an overlap, but the CMS offer a bigger set of features that the ones you can get with Frontastic Studio.
Adding to what @Obed Murillo mentioned above, if we use a CMS it would be easy to define the model (structure) definition for each content-type you want to support - Hero Banner images, Blogs, PLP Banner images, Content types (Vendor/Supplier/Maker) that can be defined with a proper structure. When there are nested elements to be defined (one content type referencing another etc,) its not an easy option to do that with Studio also if you need to index the content to be available in Algolia or any other search engine, thats also easily doable if we use a separate CMS but not straight fwd if we use Studio. Also If we want to create a custom section in homepage to highlight certain categories or products - with the integration with ecommerce engine with Amplience/Contentful its straight forward if we use Studio we have to manage that via the Dynamic Filter option - which needs additional work (even though doable).
I tried some years ago to integrate Contentful in Studio (still Frontastic at the time), but found it a bit awkward in terms of the overal user experience and it would require some amount of effort to make it work properly.
I don’t think it changed too much since then, it’s just not fluid and comprehensible enough for a normal user, so for me you end by:
- Using only Studio, and assume the limitations, it’s not a CMS, features like content permissions, content reusability, structured content and others, are not present. Is still a valid solution and for a small/medium webshop without too much inspirational content it can work well.
- Using only an Headless CMS, as in most of the cases you can do the same as Studio and more.
If using both, you have higher license costs, higher implementation costs, more complexity to manage, its hard to justify it.
But Studio only need a few improvements and features and then it can be considered a full CMS.