
Can we customize the Merchant Center using PHP ?

  • 19 June 2024
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 1

I am new to Commercetools and I created a free trial to explore it. Once I signed up for free trial, I got the access to Merchant Center and I installed the sunrise SPA demo data for testing. I placed one test order from SPA but in Merchant Center, I cannot see the order edit feature. Then I got to know from the below link that the order edit is not possible from Merchant Center and it can be through Custom Application.

I have one question here, basically I am a PHP developer, and I saw there is a PHP SDK available in commercetools. Can I create a custom application using PHP or that has to be done from React or JS as I can see here it mentioned React Js knowledge is needed.

Please help me to understand this.

Thanks in Advance.


Best answer by Matheus 20 June 2024, 10:01

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6 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi Siva,

Custom Applications can only be developed in React as it extends the Merchant Center functionality which is also developed in React.

Alternatively, you can create Order Edits via API.

Does this help clarify?

Best regards,


Userlevel 1

Yes, @Matheus,

I can understand that we can create order edit via API.

Actually, I am having PHP background and don’t have React knowledge. In this case, what we can do with PHP SDK, could you please help me on this?

As a PHP developer, what kind of things I must explore in commercetools to grab it more?

Userlevel 1


You can develop your commerce application with our PHP SDK. 

The SDK allows you to interact with the commercetools API in a more straight forward way, instead of using plain HTTP requests.

I recommend taking a look at our PHP SDK documentation:

Userlevel 1


Thanks for the details.

I already referred this link, and installed the php SDK in my machine and also checked few examples code like create customer, products.

But my confusion here is that, only the admin user should have order edit provision and it won't be there for customer as per the e-commerce flow. In this case, how admin can edit the order if its needed. Is there any user interface kind of thing, we need to create or how it can be. As I am new to commercetools, if you provide some brief of these, it will be really helpful. 

Userlevel 1

Hi @Siva,

The most commonly used approach is to create a Merchant Center Custom Application for order editing, but I understand that you have no experience with React and this would not be feasible for you.

Another option is to create an admin area in your frontend application with the Order Edit functionality. In this case, the admin user will need manage_order_edits permission scope.

You can also use our Impex API playground to do this, which is similar to a normal API platform like Postman but with a nice user interface.

Userlevel 1


Thanks. I understood.


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