Would you rather travel forward in time 100 years or backwards? Why?

Would you rather travel forward in time 100 years or backwards? Why?
Userlevel 4
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  • 45 replies

Welcome back to the off-topic section!  This week, we are getting a bit philosophical in the community (insert image of “The Thinker” by Rodin here). 🤔

I reckon I’d prefer to travel forward, because I could see if we made to space or if we managed to save the planet. 

What about you? Would you rather travel forward in time 100 years or backwards? Why?

7 replies

Userlevel 3

Always forward, the past we more or less already know.

Userlevel 4

Always forward, the past we more or less already know.

I agree. Something in particular you would like to see in the future? 🤔

Maybe I’d travel to the past to solve a mystery (who killed Kennedy for instance), or to see something that no longer exists (the Colossus of Rhodes).

Userlevel 3

Always forward, the past we more or less already know.

I agree. Something in particular you would like to see in the future? 🤔

Maybe I’d travel to the past to solve a mystery (who killed Kennedy for instance), or to see something that no longer exists (the Colossus of Rhodes).

Well, a lot to see, if there are flying cars and humans living in Mars 😁, and more seriously, if humanity evolved better than the last decade and poverty and wars have been completely eradicated.

Traveling to the past to solve some mysteries could also be interesting, but as a mere observer, history must prevail as it was.

Userlevel 4

@pauloamgomes As a kid, I thought flying cars were happening in my lifetime, but it seems we are stuck with regular cars. 😅

Yes, we would have to flies on the wall, just witnessing the past. Imagine we change something and we think we are doing something good for humanity (prevent the Library of Alexandria from burning for example), we come back to our time and half of the countries are gone or we no longer exist. 😱

Userlevel 3

@pauloamgomes As a kid, I thought flying cars were happening in my lifetime, but it seems we are stuck with regular cars. 😅

Yes, we would have to flies on the wall, just witnessing the past. Imagine we change something and we think we are doing something good for humanity (prevent the Library of Alexandria from burning for example), we come back to our time and half of the countries are gone or we no longer exist. 😱


Userlevel 3

@pauloamgomes As a kid, I thought flying cars were happening in my lifetime, but it seems we are stuck with regular cars. 😅

Yes, we would have to flies on the wall, just witnessing the past. Imagine we change something and we think we are doing something good for humanity (prevent the Library of Alexandria from burning for example), we come back to our time and half of the countries are gone or we no longer exist. 😱

Well, I think I was a bit more realistic, I didn’t expected some things like flying cars, but I was really expecting more advances in the society, and instead we seem going back to the middle ages.

Since you touched Kennedy murder, there is a fantastic tv series based on a Stephen King novel named 11.22.63 around travelling back to avoid his murdering.

Userlevel 4

@pauloamgomes As a kid, I thought flying cars were happening in my lifetime, but it seems we are stuck with regular cars. 😅

Yes, we would have to flies on the wall, just witnessing the past. Imagine we change something and we think we are doing something good for humanity (prevent the Library of Alexandria from burning for example), we come back to our time and half of the countries are gone or we no longer exist. 😱

Well, I think I was a bit more realistic, I didn’t expected some things like flying cars, but I was really expecting more advances in the society, and instead we seem going back to the middle ages.

Since you touched Kennedy murder, there is a fantastic tv series based on a Stephen King novel named 11.22.63 around travelling back to avoid his murdering.

I’ll definitely take a look, it sounds right up my street 🤓 


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