Time for the weekend!

  • 20 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hi everyone! 👋

It’s been an incredible first week on the commercetools Community with so many new folks joining, posting, and sharing already!

I hope everyone who attended Elevate had a wonderful week-- whether or not you were there, you deserve a nice restful weekend ☀️

As for myself, I’m in for a 12 hour road trip and hoping it doesn’t decide to finally rain over here!

I’d love to hear if you’ve got any plans (or great audiobook recommendations 😅) 

1 reply

Userlevel 4

I think I might be a tiny bit late to the party, but last weekend I went to a food festival in the middle of a Welsh forest. Had ramen -really tasty- and a piece of chocolate cake that was good too. 🍜🌳 Lots of parents with babies so I renamed it #parentchella (for those of us not cool enough to go to actual Coachella 😅). 

Did you do anything fun last weekend @Breanna?


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