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Share with us your tips to stay organised!

  • 16 July 2024
  • 7 replies
Share with us your tips to stay organised!

Hey ladies and gents, I wanted to ask you, how do you stay organised? 

Because let’s be honest, a bit improvisation and adventure never hurt anybody, but there’s no better feeling than knowing you’re on top of your to-do list and both your personal and work life are organised. 

These are some of the things I do that help me keep things under control:

  • I write down everything I need to do. 📝  I have a pretty good memory, but modern life = a hundred tasks, and it’s better to be safe than sorry! 
  • I ask for help. 🤝🏻 You can’t do everything all the time and sometimes delegating or asking for help with a task is the best way to get it done. 

So, what do you guys do to stay organised? Let me know in the comments!!

7 replies

Userlevel 4

I try to not over-engineer and just capture the essential, I use Notion with a simple structure, and take advantage of Arc browser with spaces and folders, e.g. Personal, R&D Space, and then each ongoing project has is own space, once a project is done I convert it into a folder inside of the “Archived” space.

For the space project, typically I have pinned the main bookmarks (e.g. direct link to merchant-center if a ct project, github repo, jira, confluence, etc..)

I also like to have some communication apps together, so use Ferdium app to aggregate multiple gmail accounts, whatsapp, etc..

Userlevel 4

@pauloamgomes great stuff, love seeing organisational tips from a Solutions Architect perspective. 

Let me be right back, downloading Ferdium asap 🤓 They even support Discord! 🤗

Userlevel 2

I have tried sooo many different productivity tools, apps and devices and actually I ended up with just using a pocket paper notebook and pen and this has been working great for me. Sometimes the oldest and simplest solutions are the best way to go ;) 

Userlevel 4

I have tried sooo many different productivity tools, apps and devices and actually I ended up with just using a pocket paper notebook and pen and this has been working great for me. Sometimes the oldest and simplest solutions are the best way to go ;) 

I have to agree with you on that. Before I started to work in tech, I was quite analogical (in a past life I was a translator/uni professor) and now I do love Keep and cool stuff like Ferdium, but I keep a notebook on my desk and I write down my meeting notes in there. For some reason, my brain remembers it better when I use pen and paper. 

Do you set daily goals for the day or just like, stuff you need to do? I tend to do both

Userlevel 4

I have tried sooo many different productivity tools, apps and devices and actually I ended up with just using a pocket paper notebook and pen and this has been working great for me. Sometimes the oldest and simplest solutions are the best way to go ;) 

You are right, paper and pen are often underrated, mostly when thinking aloud, however I think it depends on the context, if you need to capture more rich and visual information like a snippet of code, a screenshot, an url, etc.. you get limited, that’s why I like Notion, the editor is really powerful, fast and easy to use, and can easily switch from mobile to desktop.

Userlevel 2

I think it depends on the context

I totally agree.

  • If i’m taking notes on a call, I still use pen & paper.
  • Reminders tend to go in Notes on my phones
  • If i need to remember something further into the future, sometimes I schedule emails to myself and add reminders to my calendar.
Userlevel 4

In conclusion: the best possible thing you can do is 

I think it depends on the context

I totally agree.

  • If i’m taking notes on a call, I still use pen & paper.
  • Reminders tend to go in Notes on my phones
  • If i need to remember something further into the future, sometimes I schedule emails to myself and add reminders to my calendar.

In conclusion: the best you can do is using the best of both worlds, because we can’t ignore apps in 2024, but sometimes nothing beats pen and paper! 
