How do you communicate the business value of Composable Commerce?

  • 17 April 2024
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How do you communicate the business value of Composable Commerce?

Composable commerce architectures are new and differentiating enough that even those of us who are steeped in it day in day out sometimes find it difficult to properly define and put into words exactly what it means.

So, when it comes time to sell your management, or even worse your board, on why they should invest in something that breaks so much from the historical norm - many of us are left daunted to say the least…

So; what are some of the tricks of definition, and how you communicated them that have managed to raise a spark of inspiration (or maybe even minted a new evangelist!)

Here are some (chairman of the board approved!) example questions to get you started:

 - What makes composable commerce different from what we did before?

 - How do we draw a line from some of the benefits composable delivers to improvements to the business top and bottom line?

 - How does this multi-vendor approach actually reduce risk?

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