Having wrapped up Elevate and launched our new Community, the commercetools Customer Success Team is now beginning to organize this year’s Customer Meet-ups. We’ve had tremendous success with these over the last several years and expect this year’s events to be even more impactful given the high volume of customer launches and continuous innovation we’ve seen since last year’s sessions.
What are Customer Meet-ups?
Customer Meet-ups are localized, small-group, networking and educational events that are organized by the commercetools CS Team, but are led (and often hosted) by our customers.
One of the most common questions our CS Team hears from customers is “What are other commercetools customers doing?”, so it is no surprise that this becomes the predominant discussion at our Customer Meet-ups. Participants have the opportunity to share their commerce experience, challenges and successes, while hearing similarly from the rest of the group, providing a unique opportunity to collaborate and innovate together. While a rough agenda is typically followed, the roundtable format enables the group to take the discussions wherever they are deemed most valuable. As a participant here on Community, you’ll no doubt see the common threads between the two!
Who should attend Customer Meet-ups?
We aim to make these events as fruitful as possible for all attendees, so we do want to bring participants together with similar roles and/or backgrounds. An ideal customer participant is someone who can contribute to discussions on high level commerce strategy, is a decision maker within their organization likely sharing similar opportunities and challenges with other participants, and is also familiar with how commercetools fits within their tech stack as that tends to be a central theme to discussions.
Where and when do Customer Meet-ups occur?
There are no specific, recurring event locations for our Customer Meet-ups. Rather, we aim to facilitate events in geographically diverse locations, hopefully offering as many customers as possible the opportunity to join one relatively nearby to reduce their travel expenses. Additionally, should a customer be able to host an event, attendees may also get to see first hand how others are running their commerce initiatives.
Customer Meet-ups tend to occur between June and November when availability is highest. Of course, the ultimate Customer Meet-up occurs annually in April at Elevate!
Are you interested in joining a Customer Meet-up?
If you would like to participate in Customer Meet-ups, please let your Customer Success Manager know as soon as possible. While we attempt to proactively determine locations and participants to achieve maximum participation, if we hear from you directly we may be able to better find a time and location that fits with you and other customers in your area that we may have not otherwise considered. Of course, feel free to comment in this thread as well.
Be on the lookout here, in Community, for notifications of upcoming Customer Meet-ups and threads specifically discussing each of them. Do note that should you see one that interests you, please register as quickly as possible as these do tend to fill up. Groups are intentionally kept small so that the round table discussions remain effective