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The commercetools team wants you to have all the current information so if you have any questions or feedback about anything in the April 2024 Release Notes, post a comment below!


A full list of release notes for commercetools products can be found here and last month’s discussion post is right over here 👉 March 2024 Release notes



21 April 2024 Merchant Center Redesigned column manager for Product list
18 April 2024 Import API Postponed changes to publishing Products using the Import API
15 April 2024 Checkout Payment Connectors from Connect supported and changes to the Checkout SDK
9 April 2024 Merchant Center Added support for Custom Fields on Channel address
7 April 2024 Import API Announcing changes to how the Import API publishes Products
5 April 2024 HTTP API Added attribution in Client Logging
4 April 2024 Merchant Center Added B2B sample data to Merchant Center
4 April 2024 Import API Added Import Discount Codes endpoint in beta
3 April 2024 Frontend Development Improved Store Launchpad for B2B Manufacturing
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