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Welcome to the commercetools Community!


The community is here to help you implement our tools quickly and efficiently. Ask other members about anything you need during the onboarding process, as well as any tweaks along the way to full implementation.

If you have just registered on our community, check out our guide on what the Community is all about and how to get started. If you want to join the community, you can register here.

To make sure our forum remains a productive, constructive, and enjoyable place to spend your time, we have listed some guidelines below to follow.


Community Guidelines:

  1. Respect each other: Everyone has the right to post and ask questions, regardless of their knowledge. Be kind and constructive – no offensive, defamatory or abusive language.
  2. Search before posting: Before starting a new discussion, first search the Community for relevant topics. When you make a new post, a list of related topics will also appear. Of course, if you still can’t find what you’re after, don’t be afraid to post. Asking questions and sharing new content is as much a part of contributing to the community as commenting!
  3. Stay on topic: To help everyone, please try to stick to the topic, and start a new thread if there is something unrelated you’d like to discuss. If a thread starts to head off-topic, a Community Manager may move the comments/thread somewhere more appropriate. Remember also that we have a whole section for off-topic content here in case your topic/comment doesn’t fit into any other category.
  4. No advertising: Unless explicitly stated, please refrain from self-promotion or advertising of your own products or services. 
  5. Don’t share sensitive information:  For your safety and privacy, please do not post personal details such as phone numbers and email addresses or confidential, private, or proprietary information. 
  6. Self-moderation: If you see something that you think needs to be addressed, feel free to report it so that it can be looked at. This is done when members believe someone isn’t following the guidelines. You can submit a report by clicking the three dots at the bottom right of the post. 
  7. Follow moderator guidance: Any breach of these guidelines may result in Community moderators editing, deleting, or moving posts. If the community team sends you a private message to discuss community conduct, guideline issues or anything else, we'd really like to chat with you and see if we can find some middle-ground. Please respond to private messages from moderators.
  8. Updating of the guidelines: Please note these guidelines are subject to updates without notice. We urge members to check these guidelines on a regular basis. Important Community updates will be shared in the Welcome & News board.
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