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Hi Community,

While working with COFE we have an error page that happens from time to time.

Is there a way to display a more friendly page than this one?

Does any of you know if there a solution that can be used to make this happen?


On March 29 of this year, Netlify told us that they have an open feature request for a customisable lambda timeout error page, but no timeframe. And as far as we can tell, there's no other way to avoid this as it's on the Netlify end.

(Thanks to Roger from commercetools who shared this info with us). 

@Obed Murillo Did you take a look at this ?

Hi   @Lily and @Naga,

I had a ticket open with support, I have updated them with this information.

I tried to follow the steps but those functions are created by NextJS so I hope the support team can provide some guidance on how to make this happen.



@Obed Murillo thanks for letting us know, keep us updated, hopefully they’ll find a solution to your issue! 
