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I learned that you can have a preview into MC with a Custom View.

I saw this on a post on linkedIn:

And I naturally tried it, but got an exception:


Does any of you know where do I need to configure to support iframes from a different domain?


If not answer I’ll create a support ticket...





@Obed Murillo did you followed the configuration properties, namely ?

Yes I did, but still no luck, according to the AI assistant this is not possible… :(

@Obed Murillo would you like me to get in touch with the support team?

Hey @Obed Murillo ,
I guess what you are looking for is:

headers: {
csp: {
'connect-src': :
'frame-src': :


as described here:

Does that help?

Thanks @Philipp Hofmann !

I think this is what I was missing.

Let me try and I’ll get back with you!



Thanks for the help @Philipp Hofmann ,

I had that setting set, but was still failing with the same error, the issue was on the site I was trying to add as preview, it was having the following setting:

async headers() {
// This will set the X-Frame-Options header to "SAMEORIGIN" for all pages
source: '/:path*',
key: 'X-Frame-Options',
value: 'SAMEORIGIN',

So I changed it to be as follows:

async headers() {
// This will set the X-Frame-Options header
source: '/:path*',
key: 'X-Frame-Options',
value: 'ALLOW-FROM',

Good thing we learned that is possible to add a preview on MC :D

Thank you All!


Really cool. What is it that you are building? An integrated preview as shown in the screenshot in your first post?

@Philipp Hofmann 

This was just a POC to see the custom views in action.

But yes is a preview of the site we are building

Sorry for the late response.


