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Hello Team,

can anyone help me with this error while setting up PHP SDK locally getting below issue.

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Commercetools\Core\Error\InvalidArgumentException: No valid CacheAdapter found in /var/www/html/commercetools-sdk-php-v2/vendor/commercetools/php-sdk/src/Core/Cache/CacheAdapterFactory.php:100

Hi @Sukanya Roy 

Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing your error message.

Are you still seeing the same issue? If so, I’d recommend raising a support ticket.

It isn’t something we’ve seen too many examples of. We’d love to hear from other members who have the same experience. 🤔

Have a great day!


EDIT: added some extra detail.

Hey Mark,

it is now resolved as i had to install cache/filesystem-adapter,
composer require cache/filesystem-adapter
