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We have orders search functionality - by using query to filter our particular orders. Every time we are adding new search params (typically custom fields) we have timeout error once we use them, after some time search optimization dynamic index is added side timeout issues are gone, search works fast without problems

For the last added search param index creation is taken more time: According to CT documentation it should take up to 2 weeks: From our previous experience it was couple of days, now it is more that 2 weeks already but we still have timeout issue and I am not sure what we can do to understand when it optimized.

This is the custom field search, nothing complicated and nothing different from the other custom fields except name 


@Philipp Hofmann @Mike Stevenson @James Luterek gents, could you give a hand to this member? 😉


As you pointed out, commercetools automatically manages indexes within projects. While there are numerous indexes provided out of the box, indexes on custom attributes are added dynamically and can require +/- two weeks to be added. Our systems will review data and metrics from project queries in order to ensure the right indexes are created. 

If our customers have implemented important new query patterns deploying in < 2wks or experience queries under performing for longer than two weeks, I would recommend opening a support ticket. Include the scenario, / use case, query details, outcomes experienced, correlation ids and any other important details. Support will work with customers to resolve issues in an expedient manner.
